Welcome to the world of Gilded Tamarisk!

An alternate universe, if you like. Much like our own, except things happened just little bit differently in 19th century Central Asia. In other words, historical events and characters have been amalgamated, fictionalized and mashed up with a lot of made up stuff. If you're a fan of pure historical fiction, take note: no fantasy. No superpowers. No vampires, ghosts, elves or dragons. Nothing that defies the known laws of physics. Just adventure, comedy, drama, romance... straight up historical fiction.

With 500+ pages scripted and laid out, it's not a making-it-up-as-I-go-along project (aside from the occasional new idea/revision). The story has a middle and an ending. Just need to finish the pages. The plan is to post new pages (hopefully 3) every Tuesday by 12pm CST (6pm UTC).

It's going to be a wild, wacky journey, and you are invited to come along for the ride!